DIY Dry Erase Board & Modern Concrete and Glass Vase from Trash to Treasure

DIY Tutorial on how to make Beautiful and Functional Dry Erase Board and Concrete and Glass Vase. These DIYs are trash to treasure or glass and tile recycle projects.

Mom Das

Everyone love a good Trash to Treasure. Here are two recycle projects using old ceramic tile to make Dry Erase Board and using old medicine glass bottle to make a faux concrete Vase.

I love doing trash to treasure. Picking something which has lost its pupose or something very ordinary and turn it into something beautiful and useful. This is very sattisfying. Today I picked an old dirty ceramic floor tile lying outside my home and made a functional Dry Erase Board out of it.

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Next I had this old empty medicine bottle with me. I had been carrying this bottle with me since a long time because I love its shape. Finally I got a brainwave of using it like a vase and give it a modern Concrete look.

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These were absolutely quick and easy DIY projects.

Check out my step by step Video Tutorial

I am very much using these items in my home. My kids took the dry erase board. Let me know how you like my DIY. Do visit my other blogposts, SUBSCRIBE to my blog and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel . See you in my next post.

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